I haven't been to any more gigs this month, but have been in the business of acquiring shiny new things instead.
Recent purchases include a wonderful, sexy and beautiful Indietracks postcard painted by Eddie Argos - it's two canvases, one being the front picture and the other being the bit you write a message to people on, which has been personalised to me. I love it. I love it. I love it. You can see it on his blog, where he sells paintings and band merchandise and stuff. He's great.
I have also bought a copy of the 7" of Uptown Top Ranking by Althia and Donna (spelled Althia on this release and Althea on subsequent releases - I know, I'm a nerd) on Lightning Records from a wonderful vinyl record shop near where I live. We also got a 7" of De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da by The Police recorded in Spanish and Japanese. Yay! AND we got the vinyl of Me And My Big Mouth by John Cooper Clarke, which was a bit of a surprise when we got it home as I had only heard his stuff performed live before and didn't realise that most of his stuff is set to music. I think I prefer the live stuff as his delivery is better without it being slowed to match the rhythm of the music, although saying that I really liked I Don't Want To Be Nice and need to visit 1978 soon so I can play it. I have really got into vinyl again, but I think it's mainly seeing thousands of records of cool stuff that is otherwise so very hard to find.
Other than scanning record racks this month and buying art brut (haha), I have been mostly writing about opium/opioid markets and listening to music from 1971. Speaking of which, you can catch the next Jessica 6 show from 1971 (see, shameless promotion) on Tuesday 2 November 2010 at 9pm UK time on RadioNowhere - 'twill be a pleasure to be with you then.