Wednesday, 30 June 2010
I can already taste the pie
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Birmingham on a beautiful summer day
This is the edge of the library building (I think) which looked quite striking against the blue sky:
After the library, we saw this statue in the centre of the waterfall in front of the Council House in Victoria Square. I love public art and particularly really big, in-your-face sculpture.
On the edge of Victoria Square was this statue, which looked a bit Egyptian with celtic-style designs on the side:
And after that, was this one, which I think is stunning and is one of the most pleasing things I have seen in a city for a long time:
I have only been to Birmingham once before on a flying visit, and didn’t really explore as the weather was so horrible. I liked the city a lot and thought there was a really good vibe of community unity.
Jazz in Birmingham

Friday, 18 June 2010
Happy Anniversary Filmic!

Ley has kindly invited her fellow RN DJs to introduce their favourite piece of film music for her anniversary, and as difficult a task as it is to choose, I have finally decided! I'm not going to say what it is - you'll have to tune in to find out!
Ley's show will be broadcast on RadioNowhere on Thursday 8th July at 9pm UK time. Make sure you go along to for a listen!
Thursday, 17 June 2010
I like to read books

I borrowed both of these books from the library (yay to libraries) but will probably buy them both anyway as they are well worth another read. Away to zShops...
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Happy Birthday to Me!

Friday, 4 June 2010
Jessica 6 in 1977
Next month I'll be in 1958 - requests to or 'tweet' me
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Cola Jet Set... Go
They were on the bill as part of a night put on by Pic 'n' Mixx. Their events encourage people to take along a mix-CD and swap it with someone else's, but I didn't know this and so didn't take one, and so I can't tell you about the wonderful mix-CD that I received from a brilliant stranger. Because I didn't take a mix-CD with me to the show, I was stamped with an unhappy face when I entered the venue. Only those who brought a mix-CD got a happy face stamp. I felt rather sad about this.
I also didn't get any pictures at the show as the venue uses those crappy red lights, and being short I couldn't see much. There are also big columns in the venue, so turning up just before Cola Jet Set went on stage, nursing my unhappy face stamp, I ended up standing near the back feeling a bit sorry for myself. I missed the first two acts because I was talking to two nice men in the pub upstairs. I did know them, I wasn't just randomly talking to strangers - Charly the cat warns us against such things.
This is Charly (he's the one on the right):
We had to leave early to catch the train to Dullsville, so missed the headliners Pocketbooks. I'm sure they were good. And, on the way home, some nice people sat next to us on the train and talked to us about music (of the classical and operatic variety), so I even learned stuff. I now know that Alison Balsom is a rather attractive trumpet player, and that it costs a lot of money to move a Steinway Grand Piano from London to the West Country. I probably could have guessed the last one.
Christopher Laird's interview with Cola Jet Set will be broadcast on The Christopher Laird Show on RadioNowhere on Monday 28th June at 9pm UK time - tune in at
Let's start a war, start a nuclear war!
Tim Ten Yen Take Two
Forget paying stupid money to see the same old act from stand-ups, just go and see Tim Ten Yen, he's a singing salaryman with a side order of comedy - honestly, I was still laughing about Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers on my way home.
As I said, also on the bill that night was Jim Bob, who was reading from his new book Storage Stories and playing some solo and Carter stuff too. This is a picture from the slideshow that accompanied his reading:
The concept of the reading and the songs worked really well, I thought. There was one guy in front of me, however, who looked over at his friend after the first reading and mouthed, 'What was that all about?', which rather made me giggle. They finished their drinks and left.
The show was up against the Cambridge Beer Festival, which was being held just across the road, so although it was sold out, I think a few people may have found themselves either unable to leave the festival (the magnetic pull of beer) or they tried to make it to the venue but forgot where they were going and got a kebab instead. Earlier in the day, when walking past the beer festival site, I watched a man leave the festival, get on his bike which was parked outside, and immediately crash into another cyclist. I laughed a lot.
I bought Jim Bob's book at the gig and read it the next day - it's really good. It reminds me a bit of Alexei Sayle's short stories, in terms of it's connection to reality, and especially to Martin Millar's Milk, Sulphate and Alby Starvation, which is one of my favourite books of all time. Apparently others have said it reminds them of Chuck Palahniuk, but I wouldn't know as I haven't read any of his books.
You can buy Jim Bob's book in all the usual places - also from
Our lovely friend Tim Ten Yen has interviewed Jim Bob about his new book for The Christopher Laird Show, and this will be broadcast, with Jim Bob as Artist of the Week, on Monday 21st June 2010 at 9pm UK time - head over to for a listen!
If you haven't read Alexei Sayle's short stories, do so now, they are brilliant - first compilation is called The Dog Catcher, second one is Barcelona Plates. Also Ten Sorry Tales by Mick Jackson is a MUST READ - and worth buying for David Roberts' illustrations alone.
Tim Ten Yen Take One
Also on the bill at The Enterprise was Hafdis Huld, the sweetest person I have ever met who comes from Iceland (actually probably the only person I have ever met who comes from Iceland). She was kind enough to take full responsibility for the volcano, as she informed us that she had been poking it with a big stick.
Starfish and Coffee
The School in Shepherd's Bush
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Welcome to my blog!

I have a Twitter page as well (, but when I go to gigs or see things that I like, I have often thought that maybe it would be fun to post some photos or just document some of the stuff I sometimes get to do. And books I've read, and music I like and all that sort of thing.
I recently came across Jorge Garcia's blog (he was Hurley in Lost) - - and he inspired me to just get on with it, as so many of his pictures and posts are so funny even though many of them are short. I also got a new digital camera and am crazily taking pictures of stupid stuff that I like and I think maybe other people might like my pictures too. So, here goes...