Sunday 27 February 2011

My brain is exploding

Life has been very absorbing lately, interesting for me, but rather too absorbing to allow me to post to my blog. I'm studying a couple of courses this year, as well as working full-time, and also trying to keep up with a monthly show for RadioNowhere. Life is busy!

I've just spent the last 5 days analysing data and writing up a project which in real life probably no-one will read, and none of the recommendations will be implemented. Joy.

And I have another essay on something criminology-ish due next week and I am two weeks behind on my reading... and I'm sitting here writing a blog post - can you see why I'm behind?!

Anyway, the highlight of the last few days has to be recording my 1967 show which goes out on Tuesday - I think there's something there for everyone. I know I'm biased, but I know I'll enjoy it! It will be available for podcast soon after broadcast, but I will also put a link up here (although I only noticed tonight that I got last month's ready and then never posted it - oh dear)